Blood Service





Blood Service





Compatible Blood Type Donors

Blood Type

Donate Blood To

Receive Blood From

A+ A+ AB+ A+ A- O+ O-
O+ O+ A+ B+ AB+ O+ O-
B+ B+ AB+ B+ B- O+ O-
AB+ AB+ Everyone
A- A+ A- AB+ AB- A- O-
O- Everyone O-
B- B+ B- AB+ AB- B- O-
AB- AB+ AB- AB- A- B- O-

What is it?
Blood Collected straight from the donor after its donation usually separated into red blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
Who can donate?
You need to be 18-65 years old, weigh 50kg or more and be fit and healthy.
User For?
Stomach disease, kidney disease, childbirth, operations, blood loss, trauma, cancer, blood diseases, haemophilia, anemia, heart disease.
Lasts For?
Red cells can be stored for 42 days.
How long does it take?
15 minutes to donate.
How often can I donate?
Every 12 weeks

What is it?
The straw-coloured liquid in which red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets float in.Contains special nutrients which can be used to create 18 different type of medical products to treat many different medical conditions.
Who can donate?
You need to be 18-70 (men) or 20-70 (women) years old, weigh 50kg or more and must have given successful whole blood donation in last two years.
User For?
Immune system conditions, pregnancy (including anti-D injections), bleeding, shock, burns, muscle and nerve conditions, haemophilia, immunisations.
Lasts For?
Plasma can last up to one year when frozen.
How does it work?
We collect your blood, keep plasma and return rest to you by apheresis donation.
How long does it take?
15 minutes to donate.
How often can I donate?
Every 2-3 weeks.

What is it?
The tiny ‘plates’ in blood that wedge together to help to clot and reduce bleeding. Always in high demand, Vital for people with low platelet count, like malaria and cancer patients.
Who can donate?
You need to be 18-70 years old (men), weigh 50kg or more and have given a successful plasma donation in the past 12 months.
User For?
Cancer, blood diseases, haemophilia, anaemia, heart disease, stomach disease, kidney disease, childbirth, operations, blood loss, trauma, burns.
Lasts For?
Just five days..
How does it work?
We collect your blood, keep platelet and return rest to you by apheresis donation.
How long does it take?
45 minutes to donate.
How often can I donate?
Every 2 weeks.

Apheresis (a Greek word meaning “to remove”) is a medical technology in which the blood donor or the patient is passed through an apparatus that separates out one particular constituent and returns the remainder to the blood circulation. It is thus an extracorporeal therapy.

Though most blood is donated as whole blood, it is also possible to donate only a portion of blood using a technique called “Aphaeresis”. During the apheresis donation, we draw blood from the donor’s vein through a sterile tube into a cell-separator machine.