Awadh Plasma Bank

COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma GNCTD
Plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients is urgently needed .

Register as Donor
Register as Donor
Register for Convalescent Plasma

Donor Eligibility For Plasma Donation


Do you know about convalescent plasma, which is taken from a person who has been cured of corona infection. In short, it may be a promising alternative in the treatment of plasma COVID-19 disease.

If you have ever been infected with corona and have become corona negative after infection, you have been treated for 14 days and you are feeling healthy then only you are eligible to donate Convalescent Plasma.

By becoming a plasma donor, with your priceless plasma, you can give a new hope of life to the corona patient!

Thank you.

Convalescent Plasma For Covid Patients

You qualify for plasma donation if::

  • Age more than 18 years.
  • Wt.>50kg.
  • Hb.>12.5gm/dl.
  • S.proteins>6gm/dl.
  • A postive test, has not symptoms for 14 days, and has a subsequent negative PCR test. Resolution of COVID symptoms for 28 days.
  • After 28 days of 2nd does of COVID vaccination if sufficient titer(>12 S/CO for COVID lgG).

Note:- Donor must also meet the standard requirements for blood donation according to drug and cosmetic act 1940 and will be screened at the time of donation.

For More Information Click on Request For Convalescent Plasma

Donor Ineligible For Convalescent Plasma Donation

1. Weight less than 50 kg

2. Females who have ever been pregnant

3. Diabetic on insulin

4. B.P more than 140 and diastolic less than 60 or more than 90

5. Uncontrolled diabetes or hypertension with change in medication in last 28 days

6. Cancer Survivor

7. Chronic kidney/heart/lung or liver disease