About Us
We are a part of Sarju Gramin Vikas Sewa Sansthan which was established in 1993 with the aim of promoting local craftsmanship and education for all.
As blood can be stored for very little time there is a regular need for it. A sufficient number of donations from healthy people are required to meet the need for safe blood wherever and whenever needed. Blood is one of the most precious gifts a human can give to another human.
Our Programs & Facilities
Blood donation Camps
On special occasions like Blood donation day (14th June), we organize camps across the Lucknow district. We have seen 600+ donations from these camps only. We also distribute certificate as a token of appreciation and donor card (valid for 3 months) to all donors.
COVID Plasma Apheresis
We have a special facility to separate platelets or plasma from the donor and reintroduce the plasma and RBCs back into the body. As we have seen the significance of COVID recovered patients’ plasma we are in the process of achieving its license.
24×7 Service
We offer whole human blood, fresh frozen plasma, platelets, concentrated human RBCs, cryoprecipitate, and plateletpheresis (leading to single donor platelet). We have an active team 24×7 for any incoming donor.